
  1. Salvation is a gift of God so that no man will boast before God. Ephesians 2:8-9
  2. A person must believe that Jesus is Messiah the savior to be saved. Salvation is simple and it starts with belief that Jesus is Messiah. But for a hardened heart that belief is so tough. John 1:12, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, John 3:36, John 14:1-3, Galatians 3:26
  3. Jesus is the savior so no one enters heaven but through Jesus. John 14:6
  4. You have to have belief like little children to enter the Kingdom of God. Matthew 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17
  5. A person must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. John 3:1-7, 2 Corinthians 5:17
  6. Jesus became the sacrifice acceptable to the heavenly father for your sins. So you should confess your sin and give it to the Lamb of God for your salvation. Ephesians 2:13,19, Isaiah 53:3-12, Isaiah 54:5-8, Isaiah 55:1-9, Matthew 16:21-28, Matthew 17:22-23. Also read following 3 chapters Matthew 26-28 and John 10:1-21, Colossians 1:13, John 3:17.
  7. The moment you accept Jesus as Savior you give a place for the Holy Sprit to work in your mind and the process of salvation starts. John 14:26, Romans 8:14-17, 1 John 4:13, 1 Peter 1:23, Romans 12:2
  8. You should be water baptized after repentance to enter the kingdom of God. Mark 16:15-16, Luke 18:35-42
  9. The church is the group of saved people. Act 2:37– 41,47
  10. God in his infinite wisdom knows your trends. Pray for your salvation and humble yourself. He will open up the door for your salvation. Your desire alone is not sufficient, you need the help of God for your salvation. Matthew 19:25-26, Mark 10:26-27, Luke 18:26-27, 2 Thessalonians 2:13
  11. Love of God and faith is required for salvation. Luke 7:36-50
  12. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. James 4:8
  13. Also read the following chapters. John 3, John 14, Romans 6

More on salvation

  1. Denouncing the world for the sake of Jesus is part of salvation. Matthew 5:1-12, Matthew 19:27-28, Mark 10:28-30, Luke 18:28-30, Matthew 19:29
  2. It will be easier for the poor and humble to enter the Kingdom of God. Matthew 19:16-24, Mark 10:17-25, Luke 18:18-25
  3. Many shall try but few shall enter. So pray to God for help in salvation. Luke 13:18-30, Matthew 19:30, Mark 10:31
  4. You can be saved in the period of anti Christ only by confessing Jesus and becoming a martyr. But it will not be fun. Matthew 24:3-13, Matthew 24:22, Mark 13:4-13, Mark 13:20

Hindrances to salvation

  1. Read this Luke 8:4-15

See Also:

Water Baptism

Self Righteousness
